News & popular culture & observing various ideas & Sci-Fi concepts that become a technological reality. What is reality in general? Some say that it's all part of a cosmic simulation.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Minority Report crime prediction software
Florida has adopted forecasting software, produced by IBM, to target high-risk youths. Is this the beginning of a "Minority Report" future? -
Precrime Analytical Wing
'Precrime' Database For London Homicide Prevention Unit
{London pilots "future crime" database
By Jacqui Cheng Last updated November 28, 2006
If heavy surveillance isn't doing much to prevent crime in the UK now, how will adding even more surveillance prevent uncommon murders such as those by serial killers? The database for predicting future crime incidents comes off as a flashy and intrusive solution that might only shave a small number off of the total homicides in a year—assuming that it even works.}