Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Borg and Transhumanism in General

Transhumanism shouldn't mean that all of surviving humanity transcends into something like the Borg_Collective. Digitally augmented or upgraded people shouldn't be a Loss_of_human_identity.

Where as Borg-Assimilation is about humanoids without having any human identity. The quest to engineer human_enhancement doesn't have to result into a Borg type scenario.

The Absurdity of, Things to Come...


wikipedia/en/b/ba/Things-to-Come-UK-poster.jpg (1936)

Of course protective equipment and clothing are important, but could things go over the top?

This just might be the epitome of personal-protective-equipment-(ppe) You might as well protect your self from something like The_Andromeda Strain.

Why just wear a mask when you are the only one in a car? Now you can totally suit up wherever you go in any vehicle. Yes, the future global technocracy society is full of excitement and danger, so some might want to go into PPE overdrive. Fear has become the perfect vehicle to encourage humanity to become little bubbles of isolation. As a carbon-based life unit, the system will constantly encourage people about reducing_carbon_footprints. Eventually, the world will be obsessed with Carbon_footprint reduction. A global AI robotic technocracy might eventually decide to phase out humanity altogether. Why? Because humans-are-carbon-based-lifeforms

"The Daleks were conceived by science-fiction writer Terry Nation and first appeared in the 1963 Doctor Who serial The Daleks, in the shells designed by Raymond Cusick.

Drawing inspiration from the Nazis, Nation portrayed the Daleks as violent, merciless and pitiless cyborg aliens, who demand total conformity to their will[1] and are bent on the conquest of the universe and the extermination of what they see as inferior races. Collectively they are the greatest enemies of Doctor Who's protagonist, the Time Lord known as "the Doctor."

Whether its something like the Daleks or the Borg, a Global A.I. System just might not eventually see a need for there to be that many people & other life forms on earth. 

Total AI cellphones can be a great tool for people, as long as it doesn't lead to AI run Totalitarianism. 

A human initiated global A.I. management system would eventually want to inject people with Nanoprobes for ID & general Biochip tracking purposes. Global A.I. would see the efficiency of tracking the human herd like cattle & other livestock. If global A.I. became obsessed with eliminating carbon, it might seek a Final_Solution for humanity. Perhaps some people and other life forms might still be permitted to live on a totally A.I. run planet, but they would likely be injected with Nanorobotics to facilitate Assimilation