Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Get Smart-phone

The days of talking into a phone the size of a shoe or a boot are long gone.
The mobile phone use to be as big as a shoe & didn't boot up. It was a basic on & off device & a simple transmitter & receiver. Star Trek gave people in the 1960s an idea of what it could be like to have a personal communication device that's smaller than an apple & orange. A pocket size phone couldn't happen until the technology started to get small enough to allow for the gradual development path into pocket computers. That process took from the 1970s to the early 21st century.

Shoe Phone featured on Get Smart.

The 1960s version of Get Smart never had to worry about boot up speeds because the technology was so slow & bulky. www.fiftiesweb.com/tv/get-smart.htm
Today there are so many kinds of phones & choosing the best one is a matter perspective, objective & how you want to access the net.
Eventually an artificial arm might have a standard bionic phone included.

Jules_Verne was one of the few people to realize the long term potential of Telegraphy & made several interesting predictions about technology. Long before the Internet, newspapers like The Daily_Telegraph, realized that they could transmit & receive information from around the world.

A bionic arm or robotic limb would have to have its own Bluetooth & nano-fiber optic_communication system. In order for bionic limbs & other parts to fully mimic natural limbs, the proper signals need to reach the brain.

So the phone eventually became like a TV & the TV a phone, because of smaller & faster computers.

The Tablet_PC and the iPad have the potential to become a mobile intercom, but hopefully not shoe size phone.