Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Cosmic Computer Hypothesis , ,
SimCity,  The_SimsSimEarth, Welt_am_DrahtThe_Thirteenth_Floor

{"As for my own collaboration on adinkras, the path my colleagues and I have trod since the early 2000s has led me to conclude that codes play a previously unsuspected role in equations that possess the property of supersymmetry. This unsuspected connection suggests that these codes may be ubiquitous in nature, and could even be embedded in the essence of reality. If this is the case, we might have something in common with the Matrix science-fiction films, which depict a world where everything human beings experience is the product of a virtual-reality-generating computer network.
If that sounds crazy to you — well, you could be right. It is certainly possible to overstate mathematical links between different systems: as the physicist Eugene Wigner pointed out in 1960, just because a piece of mathematics is ubiquitous and appears in the description of several distinct systems does not necessarily mean that those systems are related to each other. The number pi, after all, occurs in the measurement of circles as well as in the measurement of population distributions. This does not mean that populations are related to circles.
Yet for a moment, let us imagine that this alternative Matrix-style world contains some theoretical physicists, and that one of them asks, "How could we discover whether we live inside a Matrix?". One answer might be "Try to detect the presence of codes in the laws that describe physics." I leave it to you to decide whether Wigner's warning should be applied to the theoretical physicists living in the Matrix — and to us. James Gates is a theoretical physicist at the University of Maryland, US, e-mail "}

The cosmic-computer-hypothesis 
Metaphorically, each galaxy is like its own BD or DVD.

In ancient times the crystal-ball wasn't considered to be a form of augmented-reality. There was just a natural concept that cosmic information could be transmitted & perceived in the world.

1863 Paris_in_the_Twentieth_Century

To The_Observer, reality is a big interactive recording of space & time. He & they are able to skip through time & occasionally do more than just observe.

Saturday, March 17, 2012