Larry_Page was able to create an algorithm to locate & track each web page within & beyond each website. Who else but someone named Larry would have created the PageRank? The business of information gathering & data mining has been around in one for or another for quite a while. There are always concerns that when tremendous pools of data are collected, who all can gain access to it? And for what reason or purpose? Also lots of websites & blogs just like to provide links to various sites for reference. The search engines are always in the background recording everything on line. Eventually there will be A.I. search engines that can link up to any computer or robot that's receiving data from the Web.
Glen_A._Larson provided an interesting depiction of what a future personal A.I. search engine might be like way back in 1982. By 2012 the concept of people having a personal computer is as commonplace as having their personal car. Indeed, some folks have more than one of each. But the A.I. KITT that was depicted in 1982 is still a ways off from 2012. KITT like HAL was basically an A.I. on board_computer for the ship or vehicle. However, a computer for the whole ship in effect, makes the vehicle the equivalent of a robotic vessel. So eventually a lot of people might have their own A.I. Web_browser that talks to them, through their phone, computer & car, if you have the money to buy those toys.
Of course there are several ancient forms of recording data as well.
There is even the ancient concept of the Akashic Record (AR) of everything. Eventually quantum supercomputers with holographic-data-storage & memory-crystals will essentially be able to record everything on earth. Combine that with all the databases & VR programs & you start to realize that modern technology is trying to mimic the AR. However, the concept of the AR is beyond things like greed & war & the suppression of true knowledge. Any advanced VR program can be run by any corporation or government with its own agenda. So unless people can truly be allowed to openly share & compare information, someone with their own agenda can still control things to their own advantage.
Perhaps even the A.I. machine-interface some day. https://www.cyberpunkreview.com/category/rise-of-the-robots
Want some more food for thought about reality then check out the book & website, www.theuniversesolved.com for more fascinating observations.