Sunday, December 22, 2019

'Mr. Robot' Series Finale Ends With One Last Game-Changing Twist

"...the answer is a complicated one — but in one of the final scenes of the finale, Rami Malek's troubled computer hacker does his best to articulate the answer: "I'm not Elliot. I'm only a part of him."
In one final twist of the series (as well as a twist of the knife), the central character and the audience alike learns the truth: Elliot Alderson is not who he believes he is — at least, not the Elliot viewers have watched over the course of four seasons of tense technological exploits. The two-part series finale dives deeper into Elliot's psyche than ever before, as it becomes clear the "alternate universe" posited in the penultimate episode was nothing more than an illusory world, designed to keep "the real Elliot" safe from harm."

This is a unique and bizarre series that's worth reviewing on many levels.

Of course the ending has to focus on his eye, just like in the movie, Vanilla_Sky.

 "A female voice commands him to "open your eyes", and David opens his eyes." ,