Thursday, March 10, 2022

Does Quantum Mechanics Rule Out Free Will?

"Superdeterminism, a radical quantum hypothesis, says our “choices” are illusory"

Can Free Will be Saved in a Deterministic Universe? ,

Is The Future Predetermined By Quantum Mechanics?

Whether or not this universe is a simulation, if time & space (Spacetime) is part of a quantum memory of data, then there might be something like a cosmic database.

The curiosity or perception of synchronicity can reveal astounding implications about the nature of reality. (TNOR)

If spacetime is part of an interactive projection & recording of data & information, then there might be something like a quantum cosmic library. Or is it a perpetual state of now?

What if the Curvature_of_time and Time_dilation are part of the shape of space?

Whatever the shape of the cosmos is, if spacetime information is stored, then its all like being part of a vast recording. Then what if a person can travel to various points in this cosmic recording or database? Not just in physical distance but through time. Of course that would be time travel.

Is Time Travel Really Possible? ,

Is Time Travel Possible? | Episode 206 | Closer To Truth