Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stephen King and Precognitive Phenomena

Writer Stephen_King has created quite a vast body of work through the decades. The_Dead_Zone could be considered as a glimpse into the Akashic_Records, or something like the simulation hypothesis, or the cosmic hologram theory.

"Akashic record, in occultism, a compendium of pictorial records, or “memories,” of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings that have occurred since the beginning of time. They are said to be imprinted on Akasha, the astral light, which is described by spiritualists as a fluid ether existing beyond the range of human senses. The Akashic records are reputedly accessible to certain select individuals—e.g., a spiritualist medium who conducts a séance. Akasha allegedly transmits the waves of human willpower, thought, feeling, and imagination and is a reservoir of occult power, an ocean of unconsciousness to which all are linked, making prophecy and clairvoyance possible."

The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness as a Framework for Altered States of Consciousness Research ,

Of course Precognition hasn't just been covered by Stephen-King. It can be found in various religions, legends and myths. Precognition is a significant component in several science fiction stories as well. 

Minority_Report_(2002_film) and Next_(2007_film) have precognition as their core theme.