Top 10 Most Populated Cities in The World 2021
Top 10 Biggest Cities By 2030
As cities get larger, more modes of transportation and housing, along with parks and recreation facilities needs to be provided.
The Planned-opolis is almost like turning a person into living like a mouse in a maze or a lab rat...
Planned-opolis This is one of the most lame & condescending videos about imposing a totalitarian technocracy, ever produced. Humans beings conditioned to live in a hamster habitat.
While its important to maintain law and order, too much urban control could make things seem more like a dystopian nightmare.
The combination of having
smartphones and robots granting clearance or permission of limited freedom of mobility for the day, could easily become a totalitarian system.
A planned-oppolis and technocracy system forged through a global reset just might turn things into an ugly world of control and servitude.
"The world is a vampire..."