Saturday, August 03, 2024

They Don’t Make Gaming Laptops Like They Used to

A person might have some clothes that are 5-10 years old, but kept them in good condition by not wearing them that much. A person might have an extra TV that's closer to a decade old than 5 years old, but it still does what it was meant to do. A 10 year old car can still work well, provided that its been properly maintained. A 5 year old smartphone or a laptop can still work, but it will seem a little old. However, some people might not only like to have a car that's more than half a decade old, but a laptop as well. Of course the older the tech, the tougher it will be to get new parts.

Of course some people want to have certain tech that's 10, 20 or even 40 years old and it might not always simply be for nostalgia.