The John+Wick movie series is clearly on a roll.
KR seems to be at the top of his game. It's always nice to have various options. However, what's going to happen to CP 2077?
Why Is Cyberpunk 2077 SO BAD?!
A lot of people like certain aspects or features of CP 2077, but many find it disappointing.
The Tragedy of Cyberpunk 2077
"This is a video review and critique of Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most infamous flops of recent years. A lot of what went into it flopping that way was impossible or misguided expectations of what the game actually was, what areas it would creatively focus on and even what genre it was."
Hopefully MATRIX 4 will have some interesting things to reveal. Although M2 and M3 were considered unnecessary by some, I liked how elements of the story were continued. So if M4 can extend the overall story in an interesting way, I'm game.