Friday, April 01, 2022

From the Amusement Park to the Amusement Park Planet

The Amusement_Park concept has a long history.

If there could eventually be hotels in space and potentially on other worlds, then why not amusement parks as well? If there are other high-tech civilizations that have been around for a very long time, what might their amusement parks be like? A very advanced civilization might even create some amusement park size worlds. That's what a classic Star Trek episode is about. The landing party is lead down the rabbit hole of a Mixed_reality world.

In Shore_Leave_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series), a landing party doesn't realize that they are on an amusement park planet.

The Shore_Leave_Planet is a little like Forbidden_Planet, but with a lot more safety features so that it doesn't become, a planet of doom. Indeed, a planet run by a quantum computer-mediated_reality could take Augmented_RealityVirtual_Reality, robotics and printed matter into a simulated or hyper-reality world. However, that still remains as just another intriguing science fiction concept.