Friday, April 22, 2022

The Story of Mankind, VR, ETc.

The_Story_of_Mankind is a cautionary movie from 1957.

It was shown on TCM this April.

A celestial court setting is the main focus of the movie. Key points in history are reviewed in something like a holographic theater format. Unfortunately, the movie doesn't reveal exactly how this interactive cosmic recording & projection of history is done. The story is clearly depicted from an anthropomorphic or humanoid perspective. There is no direct reference in the movie as to whether or not there are other inhabited worlds in this higher perspective.

A_Matter_of_Life_and_Death was released in 1946 and also deals with an otherworldly realm.

"On 2 May 1945, Squadron Leader Peter Carter, an RAF pilot, is flying a badly damaged and burning Lancaster bomber over the English Channel, after a mission over Germany. Carter is expecting to die, after ordering his crew to bail out, without revealing to them that his own parachute has been destroyed."

Here_Comes_Mr._Jordan was released in 1941.

"On May 11, 1941, boxer and amateur pilot Joe Pendleton, affectionately known as "the Flying Pug", flies his small aircraft to his next fight in New York City, but crashes when a control cable severs. His soul is retrieved by 7013, an officious angel who assumed that Joe could not have survived. Joe's manager, Max "Pop" Corkle, has his body cremated. In the afterlife, the records show his death was a mistake; he was supposed to live for 50 more years. The angel's superior, Mr. Jordan, confirms this, but since there is no more body, Joe will have to take over a newly dead corpse. Jordan explains that a body is just something that is worn, like an overcoat; inside, Joe will still be himself."

These fantasy stories imply that there is another reality on another dimensional plane of existence.

Full immersion VR can be used to bring various fables, myths & legends into 3D life. It might also reveal more clues about the nature of reality. (TNOR) People kill each other all the time in video games & movies. However, there could be serious problems if people try to kill each other in full+immersion VR environments.

"Parents in a futuristic society worry about their children's mental health when their new virtual reality nursery, which can produce any environment the children imagine, continually projects an African veldt, populated by lions feasting on carcasses. A child psychologist suggests that the automated house is not good for the children's development, nor the parents', and insists they disable the automation and take a vacation to become more self-sufficient.

Ray_Bradbury was already exploring the VR concept in the very early 1950s.

"The children are not pleased with this decision but later coolly agree to it. The children trap their parents in the nursery, where they become prey to the lions. They later have lunch on the veldt with the child psychologist. They then see the lions feasting but do not recognize what has happened." (1951)

VR Mind Control Tech ,

If this world is part of something like a cosmic simulation, is it run by humans or some other kind of life or consciousness?

Alien Life: Will We Know It When We See It?

Of course given the perceived size of the universe, life might have evolved or have been started on various other worlds.

Why We May Be Surrounded by Older Alien Civilizations

A Journey Beyond the Boundaries of the Universe Kosmo

How Big Is The Universe? Cool Worlds

How Many Multiverses Are There?