Monday, April 18, 2022

The VR - AR intersection

"The Veldt" is a science fiction short story by American author Ray Bradbury. Originally appearing as "The World the Children Made" in the September 23, 1950 issue of The Saturday Evening Post, it was republished under its current name in the 1951 anthology The Illustrated Man.

In the story, a mother and father struggle with their technologically advanced home taking over their role as parents, and their children becoming uncooperative as a result of their lack of discipline."

This is such very advanced Sci-Fi concept writing for 1950. It was so far ahead of its time, many people still don't realize.

Most people in 1950 would have no concept of a smart-home with a 3D animated printed matter VR room. An Augmented Reality AI heuristic nursery that evolves into a children's play room. , (1989)

The Veldt depicted in The_Illustrated_Man movie was still so advanced that it would be another 3 decades until The_Matrix , The_Thirteenth_Floor , Existenz and Harsh_Realm in 1999.

Project Gutenberg's The Chamber of Life, by Green Peyton Wertenbaker (1929)  

"As we turned and went on up the Drive, he told me more about his invention.

"I call it the Chamber of Life," he said. "It's a fantastic name, but it designates precisely what my instrument is.

"You see, it's like living another life to experience an hour or two in the Chamber. You cannot possibly realize yet just what it's like. I have created a means of reproducing all the sensations that a man would have in actual living; all the sounds, the odors, the little feelings that are half-realized in daily life—everything. The Chamber takes possession of you and lives for you. You forget your name, your very existence in this world, and you are taken bodily into a fictitious land. It is like actually living the books you would read today, or the motion pictures and plays you would watch and hear.

"It is as real as life, but it moves swiftly as a dream. You seem to pass through certain things slowly and completely, in the tempo of life. Then, when the transitional moment comes, between the scenes, your sensations pass with unbelievable rapidity. The Chamber has possession of your mind. It tells you that you are doing such and such a thing, it gives you all the feeling of doing that thing, and you actually believe you are doing it. And when it snatches you away from one day and takes you into the next, it has only to make you feel that a day has passed, and it is as though you had lived through that day. You could live a lifetime in this way, in the Chamber, without spending actually more than a few hours." (1959) (1964) (1973)'s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_characters#Deep_Thought ,