Thursday, April 07, 2022

Do Some Theories That Prove Time Travel Exists?

The type of time+travel depicted in books, movies and TV productions remains as Sci-Fi entertainment. However, the curiosity of time travel need not be limited to only science or just fiction.

The_Time_Machine and Beyond_the_Time_Barrier were both released in 1960. Even though the special effects from 1960 might be quite limited when compared to the special effects used in the 2020s, these time travel movies still provide an entertaining visual story.

Could This Mysterious Computer Prove Time Travel Exists? ,

The Future of Time Travel, Aliens & The Universe - Dr. Michio Kaku ,

If the universe is an immense data-field of energy, matter, spacetime and information, then in effect, it could be like a cosmic library of sorts. If two way time travel is ever proven to be possible, then the universe would be like an interactive projection and recording. The time travelers depicted in science-fiction are essentially accessing certain points in the time and space recording.

A mind-expanding tour of the cosmos with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Robert Krulwich ,

Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell (Full Presentation) | Big Think  

Multiverse: One Universe or Many? ,

A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram

Is The Universe as a Hologram?

How Many Multiverses Are There?

Leonard Susskind - Must the Universe Contain Consciousness? (TT)